大阳城集团99aa®是一个激励你成长的环境, 学习, and reach beyond the ordinary. 这是一个“家外之家”,每个学生都能找到自己的位置. Our team in Undergraduate 招生 and 招聘 is committed to assisting prospective students and their families through the acceptance and enrollment process by providing essential information to help students successfully transition into the university. This webpage will provide you with the necessary information to guide your educational goals.
Step 1: 访问 我们的校园
你准备好参观我们美丽的杰克逊校区了吗? 加入我们的旅程,探索大阳城集团99aa的生活. 您的参观将包括一个简短的介绍会和一个半小时的步行游览. 参观由招生办公室职员和学生大使带领. During our tour, 未来的学生和访客了解本科入学要求, degree options, 住房, student life and the legacy of the university. 你会看到一些著名的校园建筑,包括JSU学生中心, residential facilities, recreation center and library.
To schedule a campus visit, please 点击这里
Step 2: Get Admitted to JSU
1. Submit your Application for admission
Please allow at least 7-10 business days from the receipt of all required documents for an admission decision. 然而, international students are encouraged to apply four (4) months prior to the intended semester of enrollment to accommodate the completion of all documents (i.e. I-20).
2. Submit required documents:
First-time freshmen:
- – American College Test (ACT) score of 16 or higher or equivalent combined Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT, excluding writing).
- – International transcripts must be professionally evaluated in order to complete your application. All transcript evaluations must include a course by course evaluation with a grade assigned to each course, cumulative equivalent grade point average, degree equivalent, and translation into English, 如果有必要的话. We recommend that applicants use the following services: World Education Services (WES), 约瑟夫Silny & Associates, Inc.,教育证书评估(ECE),国际教育评估公司. (IEE)和 SpanTran Credential Evaluation service.
这些 上面列出的公司是由NAFSA认可的:国际教育工作者协会. Choosing another evaluation service, 或者发送不包含上述要求的成绩单评估, may delay the application process.
转移 students:
- – International transcripts must be professionally evaluated in order to complete your application. All transcript evaluations must include a course by course evaluation with a grade assigned to each course, cumulative equivalent grade point average, degree equivalent, and translation into English, 如果有必要的话. We recommend that applicants use the following services: World Education Services (WES), 约瑟夫Silny & Associates, Inc.,教育证书评估(ECE),国际教育评估公司. (IEE)和 SpanTran Credential Evaluation service.
这些 上面列出的公司是由NAFSA认可的:国际教育工作者协会. Choosing another evaluation service, 或者发送不包含上述要求的成绩单评估, may delay the application process.
3. Proof of English Proficiency:
- -从美国高中毕业的非公民
- – Applicants transferring from a college in the United States and have the 30 required transfer hours.
- - JSU全球定义的英语国家.e. United Kingdom, 澳大利亚、加拿大、新西兰、爱尔兰、尼日利亚、加纳和某些加勒比岛屿.) Click here to see list of countries.
- -成功完成JSU英语作为第二语言课程的学生.
4. Certified Declaration of Financial Support must be submitted to show sufficient funds to cover expenses for one academic year.
1400 J.R. 林奇街
P.O. 17103箱
Jackson, MS 39217
电子邮件: international@twoyearsinlondon.com
Step 3: Send Immunization Record
All students born after December 1956 who plan to attend classes on one of our campuses must submit proof of immunization compliance for measles, 流行性腮腺炎, 和风疹. 在线 students are exempt.
In addition to the immunization requirement, international students are required to have two screening tests for tuberculosis exposure once arriving to the country: A IGRA blood test and a chest X ray. 这些 tests must be performed in the United States not more than six weeks before the start of classes. 在美国以外进行的测试不被接受.
A copy of your immunization record (or your state’s immunization compliance form) can be submitted directly to the JSU Health Center in one of the following ways:
FAX: 601-979-9228
电子邮件: healthservices@twoyearsinlondon.com
有关JSU健康检查要求的更多信息, visit the JSU Health Center’s webpage at feminine.twoyearsinlondon.com/healthservices
Step 4: 应用 for Campus 住房
住房 applications are available at feminine.twoyearsinlondon.com/Housing. The office is located in Campbell College Suites-North and the contact number for 住房 is (601) 979-2326 or (601) 979-0596.
Both new and returning students will access the new 住房 application by following the steps below:
- 访问你 JSU爪子 账户.
- Enter your J# (ex. J00000000) and NET ID Password.
- 选择 “学生” tab at the top of page. Then, select the “住房” link.
- After selecting the “住房” link, you will select, “THD: JSU 住房 Self-Service.”
- After selecting “THD: JSU 住房 Self-Service,” you will be directed to the THD 住房 Self-Service Portal where you will need to enter your login information.
- Your login information will be as follows:
Username: one\J# (ex. one\J00000000) | 密码:NetID(必须在您的PAWS账户中设置) - 您将被引导到您自己的个人学生宿舍门户网站. Once there, you will select “应用程序 & 形式。” 然后为你的分类和合适的术语选择住房申请.
- You will be directed to agree to the “Terms and Conditions” by signing your name and clicking “Continue.”
- After clicking “继续”, you will proceed to answer all questions.
- 然后你将被指示支付你指定的住宿费, $100 non-refundable 住房 application fee (New and 转移 Students) or $75 room reservation fee (Returning Students).
- Your final step will be paying your fee. Please note that your 住房 application will not be processed without receiving payment.
如果你是一个传统的重新录取学生,在网上或在校园里上课, 在注册课程之前,你需要完成新生培训. 欲了解更多有关新生介绍的信息,请访问http://feminine.twoyearsinlondon.com/orientation/. 如果您将参加在线课程,请致电(601)979-0779与JSU在线联系.
Step 6: Complete Registration or Set Up Payment
“Completing Registration” is the phrase used to describe the Business Office acknowledgement or verification of how fees are to be paid for the current semester. 一旦这些信息“正式传达”给业务办公室, we will “accept” the charges and payments for the current semester which in turn protects the student’s classes from being purged.
与金融服务办公室(Office of Financial Services)“正式沟通”有两种方式
1. 第一种也是最流行的方法是通过自动注册完成过程. 一旦学生选择了他或她的课程(以及住宿和膳食计划), the system will review all eligible accepted 金融援助 and if the remaining balance is less than $200, 学生的注册将自动完成.
2. 第二种“正式沟通”的方式是加入在线支付计划. 付款计划是基于将到期余额分成四(4)期付款. The initial installment plus $100 (the deferment fee) is required to complete registration. 其余三(3)期付款将在30天内付清. Late fees of $70 begins on the 1st day of class.
Students can verify their status by signing into their JSU爪子 账户 and following the steps below
1. 选择 “学生” tab.
2. Select “Registration”
3. Select “Fall Registration Service”
4. Select “Check Registration Status”
5. 如果注册完成,将显示一条祝贺信息.
6. 如果没有,将显示一条消息,指示您执行所需的下一个步骤.
Step 7: Get your Student Identification
加强校园社区的安全保障, 教师, 教职员工和学生必须持有学校颁发的带照片的身份证. The University mandates that all 教师, 工作人员, 学生在校期间应随时公开出示身份证. 一年级学生在注册完成后可以获得身份证(第8步).
Step 8: Move-in-Day
Hundreds of JSU Students, 教师, 工作人员, and alumni volunteer to help the newest Jacksonians and their parents move into the residence halls. 请致电(601)979-4302了解更多关于搬家日的信息.
Step 9: Welcome Week Experience
Welcome Week is a seven-day program that assists first-year students with the academic and social transition to college life. Building on Jackson State University’s foundation, 一年级学生将与其他学生交流, 教师, 和工作人员. 所有一年级学生都应参加秋季迎新/迎新周活动. 这一周是在学生成功的许多部门之间的合作努力. For more information, please call (601) 979-1179.
Priority Deadlines: 传统al Students
Fall semester – 8月24日
Spring semester – 1月11日
First summer session – 5月27日
Second summer session – 6月27日
Deadlines: JSU在线 Students
Spring – 1st 8 Weeks – 1月7日
Spring – 2nd 8 Weeks – 3月4日
夏天, 五月 15th
Fall – 1st 8 Weeks – 8月20日
Fall – 2nd 8 Weeks – 10月11日
Student Services
Veterans and 军事 Center | Disability Services & ADA Compliance | The Latasha Norman Center for Counseling Services
Related Links
招生 Policies | 虚拟之旅 | Academic Calendar | Credit By Examination | Net Price Calculator | 学费 and 费用 | Application and Guidelines for In-State Residency | Activate JSU Email, NetID, Canvas, Etc.
Financial 援助 | 注册商 | 招聘 | JSU在线 | 奖学金
大阳城集团99aa|本科招生| P.O. 17330箱 | Jackson, MS 39217 | 1-866-843-3578.